Online student evaluation systems are an opportunity for student engagement and learning improvement. However, they are currently limited by low response rates. Educators tend not to trust them and students describe the activity of filling in multiple surveys as futile. Student feedback processes have largely become academic performance review instruments rather than evaluation and change catalysts.

However, there are universities successfully using student evaluation to measure student course engagement and learning development, and then involving students in improving the overall experience. The proposed project was designed to fully develop at least six such innovations into case studies.

The project, titled Measuring and improving student course engagement and learning success through online student evaluation systems, pursued the questions: how can we measure student engagement and learning success using student evaluation processes, and how can students contribute to ongoing improvement in university learning and teaching. The National OLT Seed Project Team drew-out a cohesive set of key issues, strategies and recommendations, and disseminated to the higher education sector through a symposium.

This website shares the derived tools, resources and ideas from this project, including six case studies and videos of the symposium presentations.



Bond University has been awarded two strategic priority projects and one Seed grant funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The Postgraduate Student Experience, a strategic priority project, engages with postgraduate students, educators, higher education personnel and researchers to understand how universities can enhance the postgraduate student experience. The Graduate Employability project, a strategic priority grant, engaged with employers, students, graduates and educators to greater understand how graduate employability can be effectively enhanced.

Click these links to find out more about these research projects.